Item Coversheet

Stephanie Jones, Environmental Planner, Planning, Housing, and Zoning
County Commissioners Meeting

Item Summary:

Adoption by Resolution for Kent County Growth Allocation Policy


On March 9, 1999, the Kent County Growth Allocation Policy was adopted to provide for overall policy, an application process, and standards for Growth Allocation applications within Kent County, Maryland, consistent with Maryland State requirements related to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area and State law.


On June 8, 2010, an amended Kent County Growth Allocation Policy was adopted to add criteria to the policy related to locating new Limited Development Areas (LDAs) and Intensely Develop Areas (IDAs).


On March 3, 2020, the Kent County Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 2020-3, in order to amend by interlineation the Critical Area Growth Allocation Policy for Kent County, Maryland, to address certain new conditions which have been identified since the prior amendment in 2010. The resolution revised the Policy to include alternative adjacency standards for new Intensely Developed Areas (IDA) that receive growth allocation, as well as appropriate references to COMAR for growth allocation requirements and makes minor revisions to previously adopted language regarding new IDAs less than 20 acres in size.


On June 3, 2020, the Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake & Atlantic Coastal Bays reviewed Kent County Resolution 2020-3 as a refinement to the Critical Area Program, and approved with conditions, which the County must review and adopt.


On July 2, 2020, the Kent County Planning Commission recommended favorably regarding all conditions.


On July 21, 2020 the Board of County Commissioners introduced the resolution.


On August 11, 2020, a Public Hearing was held by the County Commissioners.  Three members of the public spoke in opposition on this matter.


The revised Policy has been drafted that includes all required conditions in their entirety for County adoption.

08.18.20 Resolution 2020-16 A Resolution To Amend By Interlineation The Critical Area Growth Allocation Policy For Kent County, Maryland, To Address Certain Conditions As Required By The Critical
Letter to County Commissioners from KC Planning Commission
Letter from Critical Area Commission
Public Comment, Growth Allocation Policy Amendment